Nexus is a relevant, friendly, and casual church filled with singles, families, children, teenagers, babies, and adults of every age.
What’s it like in your life when the family comes together to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or wedding? A bit crazy, a bit noisy, and full of love? That is how church should be. A family get-together, but with a purpose. Sure, there is time for chatting and even a cup of coffee. But we are together once a week to celebrate God.
Our services, meetings, times together, begin with a time of singing. We call it Praise and Worship. This time allows us to switch our focus from the from the demands of the world to the love and peace of our Creator. During this time we do include an opportunity for people to give to the work of the church. We call it The Offering.
We also have a time of teaching. The messages can be on a range of topics from The Bible’s wisdom. This time is meant to be for learning, growing, understanding, and taking the next step towards a fuller understanding of Jesus and God and Life and the Universe, etc. We have a mix of teachers, so rarely would you hear from the same person two weeks in a row.
Children ages from 4-16 have their own special time together.